The ChatGPT Suggested Photo Number System is described in this article

Proposed Photo Numbering System: XXXYYYZZZWW_description_dimension.extension

  1. XX - Main Category:

    • 01: Genealogy Tree
    • 02: Personal Letters
    • 03: Historical Documents
    • 04: Memorabilia (e.g., advertisements, recipes)
      (Add more as needed)
  2. YY - Subcategory (Specific Family or Collection):

    • 01: Parker Tree
    • 02: Smith Tree
      (Add other family lines as necessary)
  3. ZZ - Generational Marker (Relative to Year 2000):

    • Use 01 for individuals born before January 1, 2000.
    • Use 10 for individuals born after January 1, 2000.
    • Example: 
      Joe Parker born 1919         010103 Genealogy Tree of Parker Tree 3rd generation back from Jan 1, 2000
      Jim Parker born 1944         010102
      Mimi Parker born 1980       010111
      Ayana Gunther born 2023  011210  Geneology Tree 1st generation forward from Jan 1, 2000
    • Increment or decrement this number to represent generations (e.g., 02 for grandparents, 11 for children born after 2000).
  4. WW - Sequential or Unique Identifier:

    • Start with 01 for the first photo in this specific category and subcategory. Increment sequentially for additional photos in the same category and subcategory.
  5. description (Optional):

    • Briefly describe the content (e.g., "wedding_photo", "birth_certificate"). Use underscores (_) to separate words.
  6. dimension:

    • Indicate the image size in pixels (e.g., 800x500). This helps track resized versions for display purposes.
  7. extension:

    • Use standard extensions like .jpg or .tif.

Example Breakdown

Filename: 01010101_wedding_photo_800x500.jpg

  • 01: Genealogy Tree
  • 01: Parker Tree
  • 01: Born before January 1, 2000
  • 01: First photo in this category and subcategory
  • Description: Wedding photo
  • Dimension: 800x500 pixels

Filename: 01020102_birth_certificate_600x400.jpg

  • 01: Genealogy Tree
  • 02: Smith Tree
  • 01: Born before January 1, 2000
  • 02: Second photo in this category and subcategory
  • Description: Birth certificate
  • Dimension: 600x400 pixels

Advantages of This System

  1. Scalability:
    It allows for infinite expansion by adding categories, subcategories, and generations as your collection grows.

  2. Searchability:
    Each segment of the filename serves as a meaningful identifier, making it easier to search for and organize files.

  3. Clarity:
    Including dimensions and descriptions makes the file more informative at a glance, helping you quickly identify resized versions or specific photos.